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Financial Services

Commercial and home loans

We have access to all major financial institutions, ensuring that the package arranged to finance your business or home is competitive and suits your needs and repayment capacity. We will also arrange mortgage protection insurance as part of the package for you.

Life & Critical Illness insurance
With access to all major life assurance providers, we can offer you the most competitive quote to suit your protection needs, including key-man insurance for businesses.

Investment advice

We are authorised by Chartered Accountants Ireland to provide investment advice. Fees and charges for this service will be agreed in advance.

Planning for your retirement is the most important investment decision you will make in your lifetime. Living on the state pension is not a very attractive prospect. We advise that retirement planning be addressed at the earliest possible opportunity and will be pleased to outline the available options to you.

Our financial services are operated by our sister company Sligo Financial Services Centre LTD (SFSC) which is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Contact: Michael Kenny on 071 914 2200 or e-mail to

we offer


Statutory Audit

Annual statutory audits are a requirement for all limited companies of a certain size in Ireland.

Company Secretarial

We can help support the management and running of companies at any stage of the business, from startup through to large enterprises.

Grant Audits

We can perform Grant Audits for companies complying with Irish and EU regulations related to grant funding.

System & Control Audits

We can perform thorough audits of your internal controls, while developing focused internal control programs to enhance your business' processes.

Audit & Accountancy

Our audit and accountancy services encompass much more than just compliance with legislation and standards.

Tax Planning and Compliance

Our in house chartered tax consultants provide tax compliance and planning services.

Company Secretarial

All limited companies are obliged to make annual returns to the Companies Registration Office.

Business Formation

Our experienced staff are well qualified to advise you on the most suitable form of entity to suit your personal circumstances.

Corporate Insolvency

Our corporate restructuring/insolvency department provides a range of services to businesses who are experiencing financial difficulty.

Financial Services

Mulhern Leonard provides a range of financial services and are authorised by Chartered Accountants Ireland to carry out Investments Business in Ireland.

Outsourcing and Payroll

In today’s business environment more businesses are opting to place their accounting, book-keeping and completion / filing of tax returns in the hands of experienced firms of accountants who provide outsourced services in these areas.

Planning and Financing

Realistic business planning is vital for any business. It provides essential information which will assist the entrepreneur with decision making and evaluating alternative strategies.

Credit Unions

Mulhern Leonard provide a range of audit and consultancy services to Credit Unions.

Forensic Accounting

We are experienced in working with solicitors and counsel in formulating and critically assessing financial claims.

Accounting Records

Some people commence to trade without having set up proper systems of accounting and recording transactions.

Ready to
get started?

Simply book a 1 to 1 Consultation to discuss your requirements and receive a no strings attached quotation.


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